Friday, September 17, 2010

Texas Governor's Race: Too Close to Call

Well the Texas Governor's race is heating up, and it's football season. Time for hard hitting, eye gouging action on and off the field. The Houston Chronicle is all over the action as the new poll numbers show Bill White pulling within the margin of error for the first time since he announced his candidacy.  Both campaigns are dealing with accusations from the other side this week.  Rick Perry has demanded White release his personal income taxes after word came out that White claimed no income for 1995 and received over $24,000 in refunds.  White is charging that Perry's camp is afraid to debate him on substantive issues and continues the "duck and dodge" approach.  Whatever the case, both men are digging in for a brutal finish to the race, with enough hitting and scratching to make the Dallas Cowboys jealous.  Hey, maybe the loser could join the 'Boys as an offensive coordinator, he couldn't be worse than Jason Garrett.

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